Verulam Web Design


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Website and app projects completed for Hertfordshire and London clients Autumn 2013

Well it certainly was a busy summer. Normally things are a little slow in August, what with the holidays and good weather (for a change). Which can be nice, it gives some extra time for planning and internal projects, oh and going on holiday. But this year it was a particularly busy time for new projects.

Website and app projects completed for Hertfordshire and London clients Autumn 2013 Read More »


Latest News for the Summer 2013

It may be the summer, but we are still busy getting websites and mobile apps completed for clients before the usual autumn flurry of business activity. Our emphasis has changed somewhat, with complex and highly functional websites and mobile/tablet applications taking an increasing amount of our time. We are excited to be working on a Help Portal website for The British Council and also a mobile version of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission website.

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Why creating a website is like buying a car

I like cars, I also like websites (duh!). I suppose I’m a bit of a petrol head. I rode motorcycles for 10 years before getting my first car (an old Datsun 120Y for £50). Since then I’ve had several cars, upping my budget each time till, in my late forties, I bougth a 2004 Mazda RX-8. I’ve always liked them and realised I could actually afford one and it does what I need. I still have it and use it day to day.

Why creating a website is like buying a car Read More »