Verulam Web Design

Verulam Web Design

How we got a client to number 1 on Google

Google search resultsWe specialise in both creating both highly attractive and functional websites for our clients, but also websites that are highly optimised. No one can promise Google rankings, but we know that our coding frameworks and expert knowledge mean we can both create optimised websites but also optimise existing websites. One of our clients, Jason Simon of recently approached us to get them to the very top of Google searches for a specific keyword term – ‘St Albans Maths Tutor’. They were already at number 3, but wanted to leap-frog the competition. We did this within a couple of weeks. How?

Nothing amazing – we did onsite SEO. We improved their content, increasing the amount of keyword-rich text, used the the text effectively in the code – links, headings, page titles, descriptions, image alt tags and so on. We also created some links to the website from highly ranked sites we own and manage (including this one!) and voila!

This was an easy one, but we also help clients in many, much more competitive business sectors, to obtain page 1 positions on Google for a variety of keyword terms and phrases. Just search for web design st albans’ and see who comes up as number 1!