Verulam Web Design


Responsive Web Design

2012 – the year of the mobile

There can be little doubt that this has been the year that mobile internet usage has stopped being something that only the teenagers do and become mainstream. Numerous tatistics on mobile internet usage from early 2012 suggest that around 30% of all internet usage is from a mobile phone*. It is widely expected that most people will use the internet via a mobile device in 2013.

2012 – the year of the mobile Read More »

CookieMonster Sitting

Are you a cookie monster?

On the 26th May 2012 the one year ‘grace’ period for websites and their owners, to comply with the revised Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations, which came into force in the UK on 26 May 2011, to address new EU requirements. The new requirements and ICO guidelines make it clear that organisations and companies in the UK must get permission to store cookies on users computers.

Are you a cookie monster? Read More »

Page Load

Website load time and why it matters

No one likes to be left waiting. Everyone is busy these days and the internet, with the enormous number of websites and information available at the click of a mouse (or movement of a finger!) is the most time-critical of all. Ten years ago, before we all had broadband, it was normal to wait a few seconds for pages to load. But now we can download movies and songs in seconds, we expect websites to load almost instantaneously.

Website load time and why it matters Read More »


Why creating a website is like buying a car

I like cars, I also like websites (duh!). I suppose I’m a bit of a petrol head. I rode motorcycles for 10 years before getting my first car (an old Datsun 120Y for £50). Since then I’ve had several cars, upping my budget each time till, in my late forties, I bougth a 2004 Mazda RX-8. I’ve always liked them and realised I could actually afford one and it does what I need. I still have it and use it day to day.

Why creating a website is like buying a car Read More »